Monday, September 20, 2010

Fun times with new friends

On Friday we went to the Uffizi with Jessica, whose cousin is in an art restoration program so her weekdays are pretty full.  We were happy to have another pal to roam the city with!  We got there relatively early at 9am, but still didn't even get into the museum until 10:30.  It was ridiculous.  I hear from the locals though that they have no idea what they are doing and I guess now I know!  I was nervous to go back to the Uffizi since I remember from the first time I went that I was overwhelmed by the amount of rooms and paintings: sensory overload for sure.  I ended up rushing from room to room and finding a chair or bench in each room and just listening to my audio guide, barely even looking at the paintings.  I was willing to brave it again also because I'm reading a book based on Botticelli's La Primavera painting and the symbols within it, so I wanted to see it up close again.  I was actually shocked at how much smaller the museum was since it felt ginormous last time I was there.  It was totally doable and I was able to get through it without that many yawns (my allergy to museums referenced in prior posts).  It was a bit crowded, but I'm definitely glad I went back.

After the museum we headed to have lunch and I of course had my pick-me-up cappuccino.  There seriously is nothing like a cappuccino in Italy, it's heaven on earth.  Oh and so is pizza diavola....and carbonara...and pretty much everything here.  After lunch Court and I wanted to go to the infamous Mercato Centrale to pick up some fresh veggies and fruits - we are making a point to eat more of these as we are starting to feel like we resemble the fusilli pasta that is our staple.  Well, the market closes at 2 and we got there at 2:01, doh.  We decided we'll go tomorrow.  

Afterwards we just walked home and got ready for a night out on the town with our new friends Giada, Jessica, and Kate.  We first went to dinner and then headed out to a couple bars on Giada's recommendations.  Probably my favorite, but not for the typical reasons you would think, was this bar called Red Garter.  Let me first preface this bar before telling you about our experience.  Basically in all the tourist books of Italy they say Red Garter is a divey bar that students mostly frequent for karyoke and beer pong.  The descriptions also mention that the bar can get pretty rowdy...which we were soon to find out was a gross understatement.  So we walked in and immediately you hear blasting music and there is a huge crowd of people in the back room.  Giada walks us back there and it's a huge mosh pit of college kids, probably under 20, belting out songs that are being sung by other kids on stage.  We decided to sit at a picnic table away from the pit so we could watch the insanity unfold.  Also, everyone seemed to be carrying around these drinks that I can only compare to the Call a Cabs you could get from Carson City, basically giant fruity drinks that have god knows what in them to make you act a fool.  Think of when you've been to a bar and you see that one girl or guy completely embarrassing themselves and you start to think, man maybe I'm too old for this place.  Well everyone at this bar was that person.  I can't even count how many times we heard glasses breaking and people falling all over the place.  It was actually highly entertaining and I'll tell you why in 4 reasons: 

1. You can't help but feel better about yourself when going to a bar like this.  Cause even if you aren't feeling 100% in your outfit, makeup, body, what have you, 9 times out of 10 you are going to look better then the people you see here (yikes that sounded mean, so I guess I'll just end it with my usual "but not in a bad way?") 
2. There is nothing like hearing Zombie by the Cranberries come on and hearing 50 kids start screaming at the top of their lungs like they are actually at the Cranberries concert (though that is an awesome song, can't lie).  
3. There is also nothing like hearing "Boom boom boom boom, I want you in my room" (for those of you who don't know this song it's a jumpy dance song) and looking over to see a girl dancing with bedroom eyes to a boy - who, by the way, we just saw rip off his shirt then lay on a table and proceed to fall off said table - as if she were dancing to a super sultry song, not poppy electronica.  
4. When you see girls holding on to the grates of the stage and dancing to the guitar player (who I will give props to because he was great) emulating the greatest groupies ever, you realize that it might be time to go.  But again, highly, highly entertaining and both Courtney and I know where to go when we need a laugh :) 

We went to a couple more places and at one of the bars I saw a guy wearing a Redskins hat!  I was so excited that I called him over and here is basically the dialogue:

Me: Hey you like the Redskins??
Him: The what?
Me: The Redskins...on your hat
Him: Oh yes, american football...
Me: Yes, do you know who they are?
Him: What?  I don't speak Spanish

Umm what??  He was neither from the US nor did he know anything about football, why was he wearing a Redskins hat??  Kate proceeded to die laughing after she heard this and we just started to quote Anchorman incessantly for the next 5 minutes.  "What?  Baxter you know I don't speak Spanish...You pooped in the refrigerator?  And you ate a whole wheel of cheese?  How'd you do that?  I'm not even mad, that's amazing!"  Ahh, a classic.  
Kate and Jess posing so I could secretly take a pic of the hat
The rest of the night was just fun girl time and I loved hanging out with all of our new friends.

Saturday was pretty relaxing.  We promised Giada we would visit her at work so we made good on our promise with the intention of going to the Market.  But alas, when we told them of our plan they informed us that the market closed at 2 again.  We thought it just closed for siesta, but no...wrong again.  Ah well.  We then went out for another fun night on the town the girls and Jacopo and I learned that I'm very bad at foosball (I'm also really bad at spelling it because I kept spelling it fuzzball and didn't realize it was wrong until right now).  

foosball championship...that we lost terribly
I'm starting to really settle in and ponder what it would be like to stay a little longer than the 4 months I had originally planned...we'll see what happens.  Our big trips start up next week right before CAROLINE COMES!!  Then the bigger trips will commence, yay!

un abbraccio xo

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