Friday, September 10, 2010


...we're Italian.  Ok well maybe not, but we have Italian cell phones now!  When I was in Rome before I was one of the only ones who didn't get a cell phone, so now it's my first time and it's awesome!  Well, except that the phone is an old Nokia block phone so I'm probably not the coolest girl, but I was already used to that with the old phone I've been using back in the States anyways...just carrying the tradition on to Italy.  I have only one number in it thus far, but hopefully that will grow and soon I'll be answering "Pronto?" with the best of them!  That may be a bit further off, but a girl can dream can't she?

We then headed over to Santa Croce to see the tombs and monuments of Michelangelo, Galileo, Dante, and Machiavelli.  It's a beautiful church and the piazza is really cute so we hung out there for a bit.  After checking out the church we stumbled over into the Museo dell'Opera, which was connected.  It was pretty nice, but there were asian tourists galore...seriously everywhere!!  It was tough to get pictures without them in throngs in the background, but we were able to snap a few.

Since we tend to not eat very much here because we are usually outside and don't want to keep buying meals, we tend to go until the point of starvation before we give in and buy a pizza/panino on the street.  Mom you will appreciate this - we went to the little cafe on the corner of Santa Croce and got panini, the same one we went to last time we were here.  They were delicious, but how could hot bread and salami not be delicious?  Then we walked over the Ponte Vecchio and took some gorgeous scenic pics. 

After we went to the Palazzo Pitti and hung out on the piazza.  Court took a little nap and I just people watched before we headed home to make a great pasta dinner.  Courtney made a fantastic pasta with homemade tomato sauce.  Considering all we had were tomatoes, garlic, and zucchini and she made it taste THAT good I was super impressed.  I told her she's going to have to make that once a week at least, k thanks.  We are settling in so well and it's just been a fantastic time thus far.  Next up: SIENA!

1 comment:

  1. Of course a girl can and should dream! Dreams are for free anyway; they become expensive once they become reality, but that is another story. You are young, beautiful, intelligent, hard working and courageous. So you are already half way to a bright, successful life. Here is my wish for you, Principessa: May life brings you everything else you need to make all of your dreams come true.
